
Term Full Name Definition
License License A software sales mode. The software is authorized based on features, versions, capacity, and usage time. Customers obtain the rights and license Entitlement certificates promised by the equipment vendor. The right to use the software is not the ownership of the software.
LK License Key It is an electronic file that is generated based on orders.
LSN License Serial No Serial number of a license file, which uniquely identifies a license file.
ESN Equipment Serial Number The ESN is a string that uniquely identifies a device and is used to ensure that a license is authorized to a specified device. It is also called a device fingerprint.
NE Node A system device, entity, or node, including all the related hardware or software components located in the same location and performing the main functions of the product category. Based on peer vendors' practices and Huawei's actual service scenarios, the device whose offering type is Product running on the customer's network is defined as an NE.
Revoke Code Revoke Code A revocation code is a character string obtained by running a revocation command on an NE. The character string is used to log in to the FNO to change and adjust the ESN. After you run the revocation command on an NE, the license file on the NE is revoked. For details about how to obtain the revocation code, see the license application guide or upgrade installation guide.
FNO Flexnet Operations A license distribution system purchased by Huawei. It is used to generate and distribute license keys based on orders and manage license data.
License Tool License Tool This tool is used to improve the efficiency of license activation and adjustment. Download URL:\ CO0000000174
VCG Vendor Certificate Generator License certificate generator
PAC Preliminary Acceptance Certificate Preliminary acceptance certificate refers to the acceptance certificate stipulated in the contract that proves that Huawei has passed the preliminary acceptance standards and procedures.
POD Proof of Delivery The proof of arrival refers to the proof of receipt signed by the consignee. The POD serves as the proof of completion of transportation activities, the sign of delivery of transportation business responsibilities, and may also serve as the proof of ownership transfer.
PO Purchase Order A purchase offer with exact content issued by the purchaser to the supplier based on the transaction conditions agreed upon with the supplier. The PO and the transaction conditions together constitute the actual performance obligations of each Party.
DU deliver unit Delivery unit.
Equipment (node) Equipment (node) A system device, entity, or node, including all related hardware or software components located in the same location and performing the main functions of the product category. Based on the industry practice and Huawei's actual service scenarios, the device whose offering type is Product running on the customer's network is defined as a device (NE).
Commissioning License Commissioning License A demo LKF is a temporary LKF used for commissioning software functions during the project. All features in the demo LKF have the same expiration time. A demo LKF whose Electronic Serial Number (ESN) is a fixed value and the validity period can be 30, 90, or 180 days. The total number of days that can be applied for for for an R version cannot exceed 270 days. A demo LKF with ESN set to ANY and validity period of 180 days can be loaded only once for an R version (for example, V100R007) of an eNodeB. A demo LKF with a fixed ESN and a validity period of 14 days can be used for any number of times.
Commercial License Commercial License A commercial license file is delivered to customers based on the contract. In principle, an Entitlement certificate and an electronic license file must be issued. The Entitlement type in a commercial LKF is COMM, the expiration date of features in the LKF is permanent or specific, and the expiration date of all features is the same. The default retention period is 60 days.
Permanent & temporary License Permanent & temporary License A permanent temporary LKF (also called a trial LKF) applies to scenarios where network adjustment is frequent and features are used before being purchased. A permanent+temporary LKF must be generated based on a permanent commercial LKF with a temporary feature with an expiration date. The temporary part is generated by applying for a fixed-term LKF. The Entitlement type in the permanent and temporary LKF is COMM. The permanent feature has no expiration date, and the temporary feature has an expiration date.
Pool Pool A pool here indicates an entitlement pool. In late binding mode of the ESDP, POs are placed in software packages and all PO projects are pushed into a pool. In the project implementation phase, an entitlement is granted for each node from the pool. Entitlements that have the same customer and product are added to a pool. The pool is divided into different pool lines based on product versions.
Entitlement Entitlement An entitlement is an agreement on the usage or use period of the purchased/sold product (software version) reached by the supplier and the customer. What the supplier sells is the authorization to use rather than to own the licensed software.
Entitlement ID Entitlement ID An entitlement ID uniquely identifies an entitlement.
Activation ID Activation ID An entitlement contains one or more entitlement lines. The ID uniquely identifies an entitlement line is called an activation ID.

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