Entitlement Activation

  • Applicable scenarios: Select the online activation mode that binds the entitlement to the customer's ESN to directly generate a license file. This mode applies to the scenario where the number of entitlements is small.

  • Procedure:

    Step 1: Click Entitlement Activation, enter the search criteria, find the entitlement to be activated. Select the entitlement, and click Next.

    Step 2: Set Binding Mode and Merge, enter the ESN, and click Next.

    If the entitlements on the page cannot meet the activation requirements, click Add Entitlement or Delete Entitlement to add or delete entitlements.

    Step 3: Click Activate License.

    Click Entitlement Details to view the authorized Spart details, Bpart details, and license details.

    Step 4: Click Download to download the license file.

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