Activation Description

Activated Service Scope

  a) The process of binding purchased resources to customer NEs based on sales policies and generating a license
  Entitlement file that controls the service duration of the devices using encryption algorithms is an activation service.

  b) Based on the sales mode, Entitlement is classified into annual fee Entitlement and non-annual fee Entitlement. The
  verification varies according to entitlement activation. The annual fee Entitlement has calculation rules and
  verification rules for the annual fee duration.

  c) Entitlement is classified into Enterprise BG and Carrier BG based on the BG type. The Enterprise BG does not verify
  the NE customer name and authorized customer name, but the Carrier BG needs to verify the NE customer name and
  authorized customer name.

Non-annual fee entitlement activation

Non-annual fee activation includes activation for new deployment, activation for upgrade, and activation for capacity expansion.

a) New activation: indicates that no entitlement has been activated on the bound ESN.

  Verify that the customer, name, product, and ESN are unique. If the customer, product, and ESN are not unique, a new ESN
  is generated.

b) Upgrade activation indicates that an NE that has been activated is upgraded. The upgrade path of the product to be upgraded must be found in the product configuration item.


  1. The customer, product, and ESN are consistent. If they are inconsistent,
  activation is not allowed.

  2. If the upgrade path, algorithm, and upgrade item do not exist, the upgrade
  cannot be activated.

c) Capacity expansion activation: indicates that an activated NE is expanded once, including adding part items and BOMs.

  Verify the consistency between the customer, product, and ESN.

Activating annual fee Entitlement

Annual fee activation includes first signed activation, capacity expansion activation, renewal activation, upgrade activation, and version change.

a) First-signed activation refers to the scenario where entitlements with the annual fee business model are delivered to NEs for the first time.


  1) The customer name, product name, and ESN must be unique. If the customer
  name, product name, and ESN are not unique, a new ESN is generated,

  2) Whether the annual fee service period exists on the NE. If the service period
  is not empty, the activation is not allowed (limited by the general algorithm).

  3) The annual fee time algorithm is not empty.

b) Capacity expansion activation refers to the capacity expansion operation of an activated NE, including adding part items and BOMs.


  1) Check whether the customer, product, and ESN are consistent. If they are inconsistent, activation is not allowed.

  2) Whether the annual fee service time exists on the NE. If the time is empty, activation is not allowed (except when
     the first signing start rule is PAC, POD, or PO signing).

  3) Annual fee time calculation.

c) Renewal activation refers to the scenario where only the service duration of an activated NE is renewed and common feature items are not purchased.


  1) Check whether the customer, product, and ESN are consistent. If they are inconsistent, activation is not allowed.

  2) Whether the annual fee service time exists on the NE. If the time is empty, activation is not allowed (except when
     the first signing start rule is PAC, POD, or PO signing).

  3) Annual fee time calculation.

d) Upgrade activation: In horizontal upgrade scenarios of the same version, the product activates upgrade items to upgrade features and services without changing the product VR version.


  1) Check whether the customer, product, and ESN are consistent. If they are
  inconsistent, activation is not allowed.

  2) Whether the annual fee service time exists on the NE. If the time is empty,
  activation is not allowed (except when the start rule is PAC, POD, or PO

  3) Annual fee time calculation;

  4) Algorithm for upgrading the same version.

e) Version change refers to the upgrade between VR versions. During the validity period of the annual fee, the VR version of a product can be upgraded or downgraded based on the corresponding upgrade or downgrade path.


  1) Check whether the customer, product, and ESN are consistent. If they are
  inconsistent, activation is not allowed.

  2) Check whether the annual fee service period expires. After the service period
  expires, version change is not allowed.

  3) Upgrade path and algorithm between versions.

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