1. Basic Entitlement information

    1. Entitlement Category
  2. Entitlement can be divided into permanent Entitlement and fixed-term Entitlement based on the use time. Licenses can be classified into commercial and non-commercial licenses based on their usage channels. The details are as follows:

Entitlement Type Entitlement Category
T Commerce Commercial Permanent
B Beta tests Commercial and fixed-term
D Commissioning to fixed-term Commercial and fixed-term
L Trial Commercial and fixed-term
M Buyout License Commercial and fixed-term
N Case by case Commercial and fixed-term
P Postpaid Commercial and fixed-term
S Software Subscription Annual Fee Commercial and fixed-term
X Test Commercial and fixed-term
Y Energy Saving Service Commercial and fixed-term
A Brand exhibition Non-commercial and fixed-term
C Pre-sales expansion Non-commercial and fixed-term
F Exhibition Non-commercial and fixed-term
V License requested by R&D external test e-flow Non-commercial and fixed-term
  • The annual fee is different from the preceding sales modes. The annual fee mode can generate permanent commercial Entitlement or fixed-term commercial Entitlement. Currently, the annual fee mode in use is as follows:
Business model Business Model Name License Type
04 TBL Fixed-term
05 SUS Fixed-term
09 TBL(feature level) Fixed-term
01 Perpetual License Permanent
02 SnS Permanent
03 ASRF Permanent
07 TBL(Perpetual) Permanent

Compared with non-annual-fee entitlement, the basic information about the annual-fee entitlement is added to the entitlement details, including the business model, start and end time of the annual-fee entitlement, annual-fee calculation rules, and quotation scenarios. See the following figure.

  • Calculation Rules of Annual Fees

The calculation rules of the annual fee are complex. The start and end time of the annual fee vary depending on the quotation scenario, calculation rule, and start time.

The start time of the annual fee is as follows:

Code Name
01 Earlier between License activated date or PO signed plus 90 days
02 Date of PO signed
03 POD
04 PAC
05 Default rule for expansion or re-signed scenario
06 Positive Date

Quotation scenarios of the annual fee:

Code Name
01 First signed
02 Expansion
03 Re-signed
Entitlement delivery status
Entitlement delivery status
Self-developed software Third-party software
Ready: The Self-developed license has been uploaded to the system. You can view and download the Entitlement certificate. Activation: The requirement is being activated and no license is downloaded.
Pooled: The entitlement is pushed to the pool. Ready (3rd): The license has been purchased and can be downloaded.
Activated: The entitlement has been activated. Medium Delivery N(3rd): Delivered with the main equipment as a medium without electronic backup.
Inactive: The entitlement is revoked (returned). Medium Delivery E(3rd): Delivered with the main equipment as a medium with electronic backups.
Order Cancelled: The Entitlement is canceled. In Purchase (3rd): The license is being purchased. No license is available for download.
Closed (3rd): The license has been downloaded and closed. If the license is lost, you can apply for a new license.

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