Entitlement Activation

Definition of the functional module: This is the new entitlement line activation function. It is implemented by adding clear sales configuration verification to the original entitlement activation function to meet the requirement of interlocking the clear sales configuration with the license delivery configuration. After the activation is successful, the contract Spart ledger is updated.

For pilot contracts of the transformation, the entitlement lines of products that do not support pooling can only be activated using this entitlement activation function. Products that support pooling can use either policy activation or this entitlement activation function.

According to the current transformation pilot requirements of Carrier BG, this entitlement activation function supports only the non-annual fee entitlement lines of pilot contracts outside the China Region. The annual fee and non-annual fee entitlement lines of pilot contracts in the China Region and the annual fee entitlement lines of pilot contracts outside the China Region are supported by the existing entitlement activation function of ESDP 1.0. After the activation is successful, NE delivery records are generated, and the list of activated entitlement lines in the entitlement ledger is updated.

Application scenario: Products that are not delivered through resource pools can be activated using the entitlement activation function, for example, products and versions that do not support pooling as well as annual fees.

Business rule:

(1)For products that do not support pooling, only the entitlement activation function can be used to activate them. For products that support pooling, if the available resources by BOQ+control product+version were not activated through policy activation before, then the entitlement lines by BOQ+control product+version can be activated using the entitlement activation function.

(2)Entitlement lines of the non-pilot contracts of Carrier BG can also be activated using the entitlement activation function (excluding annual fee entitlement lines).

(3)For the entitlement lines of a pilot contract of Carrier BG, if the clear configuration auto-publish flag of the BOQ is set to "Y", the DU ID must be entered, and the project code corresponding to the DU ID must be the same as that of the BOQ. If the clear configuration auto-publish flag of the BOQ is set to "N", the DU ID is not required.

(4)You can enter the delivery customer in the entitlement lines of Carrier BG. When the delivery customer is entered, the system will check whether the NE customer is consistent with the delivery customer during activation. If not, the activation fails.

(5)Currently, you cannot enter the delivery customer in the entitlement lines of Enterprise BG.


Step1:Choose Ledger Activation > Entitlement Activation. Click Select Entitlement. The entitlement selection page is displayed.

Step2:On the entitlement selection page, enter the search criteria, such as the contract number, BOQ number, product, and activation ID. You can also click Advanced Search to find more search criteria, such as the project code, BG type, and entitlement expiration date. Click Search. Entitlement lines meeting the search criteria are displayed.

Step3:Select the entitlement line to be activated, click OK, and the system returns to the Entitlement Activation page.

Step4:On the Entitlement Activation page, maintain the NE, DU ID, and delivery customer.

The NE is mandatory.

If the clear configuration auto-publish flag is set to "Y", the DU ID is mandatory.

For Carrier BG contracts, the delivery customer can be maintained. For Enterprise BG contracts, the delivery customer cannot be maintained.

You can use the batch maintenance function to maintain the DU ID and delivery customer for multiple lines at the same time.

Step5:After the NE, DU ID, and delivery customer are maintained, select the entitlement line to be matched and click Match. A matching task is generated.

Step6:In the matching task list, if only Success and Error are displayed in the Status column, click Submit. Activation tasks are generated for matching tasks whose Status is Success, but not for matching tasks whose Status is Error.

If there are tasks in the Queuing/Matching status, the tasks cannot be submitted. In this case, you can click Stop to stop the tasks in the Queuing/Matching status.

You can clear the configurations of a task whose matching status is Success or Error. Then you can perform matching again, and a new matching task will be generated.

Step7:After the task is submitted successfully, an activation task ID is generated. Click the activation task ID, and you can view the task execution result in the task center.

If the status is Success, you can download the license file. If the status is Error, open the task details page to view the error details. If only some subtasks are successful, you can also download the license files of these subtasks.

After the entitlement lines of pilot contracts are activated successfully, you can view the activation records in the NE Delivery Records module based on the ESN or LSN.

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