3012&3900 license Split

  • Application scenarios:

    1. Upgrade the controller of version 14.0 to SPH522 or a later patch version.

    2. Only the license for BSC6900 V900R014 can be split, and the number of the resource item LGMIDULNO must be greater than 0.

    3. The sum of LGMIDULNO3012 and LGMIDULNO3900 resource items remains unchanged.

  • Business rules:

    1. Select an NE or provide the serial number (LSN) of the license file to be split. The LSN can be obtained from the LicenseSerialNo field in the license file.

    2. Only permanent commercial licenses can be split.

    3. The splitting result is irreversible. Exercise caution when splitting the license. After the splitting, the original license becomes invalid and a new license is generated.

  • Procedure:

    Step 1: In the displayed dialog box, click Select Activated Equipment (Node), set search criteria, and click Search. After getting search results, select NEs and click OK.

    Step 2: Return to the page and adjust the quantity.

    Step 3: The adjustment result can be previewed.

    Step 4: Click Submit.

    Step 5: In the displayed dialog box, click Download. The license file is downloaded successfully.

    Step 6: Check the license file. The number of codes is the same as that after adjustment.

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