Querying Entitlement (Pilot)

Application scenario:

Query or activate entitlement of pilot contracts.

Authorized lines of overseas pilot contracts can be queried and activated.

Only authorization lines that have not been activated can be activated, split, and version change.

Procedure: Same as ’Entitlement Management’.

a) If "Customer Country" is blank in the search criteria, you can query all the authorized lines of pilot contracts that meet the conditions. If Policy Activated is set to Y, authorization lines that have been activated are queried. If Policy Activated is set to N, authorization lines that are not activated are queried. If this parameter is left blank, all authorization lines are queried.

b) When Customer Country is set to China, you can query the authorization lines of the pilot contract in the China Region. After selecting an authorization line that has not been activated by a policy, you can click Activate to go to the ESDP 1.0 authorization line activation page.

c) If Customer Country is set to a value other than China, a user selects a non-annual fee entitlement line that has not been activated by a policy and clicks Activate to go to the ESDP page for activating a new entitlement line. The subscriber needs to query the authorization line again before continuing the activation. For details, see Chapter 7.

d) If Customer Country is set to a value other than China, the user selects an annual fee authorization line that has not been activated by a policy and clicks Activate to go to the ESDP1.0 authorization line activation page.

e) If you select both the authorization lines that have been activated and the authorization lines that have not been activated by the policy and click Activate, the activation fails. In this case, you need to select only the authorization lines that have not been activated by the policy for activation, that is, change the query condition "Policy Activated" to N. You can activate the queried authorization line.

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