Rolling Back Licenses Activated with Policies

Definition of the functional module: This function supports rolling back the commercial permanent licenses of pilot contracts, which have been activated through online policy activation, offline policy activation, entitlement activation, as well as the original entitlement activation and online batch activation functions. After the rollback succeeds, NE delivery records are generated, and the entitlement ledger is updated.

The navigation path is the same as the existing one for rolling back a commercial permanent license. However, if the licenses loaded to NEs have been activated with policies (including the entitlement line activation scenario of pilot contracts), the licenses can be rolled back only to the previous step. The all rollback and customized rollback functions cannot be used.

For the rollback of fixed-term licenses activated using fixed-term license activation policies, the original fixed-term license rollback function is used.

Operation Guide

Application scenario: The commercial permanent licenses of pilot contracts, which are activated through activation policies or entitlement lines, can use the existing commercial permanent license rollback function to roll back. However, these licenses can be rolled back only to the previous step. After the rollback succeeds, NE delivery records are generated, and the entitlement ledger is updated.

Business rule:

(1)After the licenses under pilot contracts are activated to NEs through the policy activation or entitlement line activation function, the NEs will be marked with a policy activation flag. The licenses of such NEs can only be rolled back to the previous step.

(2)The NE licenses activated through policy activation will be returned to the entitlement ledger, those through entitlement line activation to the entitlement line, and those through resource pools to resource pools.

(3)When there are multiple NEs, you can roll back the licenses of some of them.

(4)After the rollback succeeds, NE delivery records are generated, and the entitlement ledger is updated.


Step1:Choose License Commissioning and Maintenance > Commercial License Rollback > Permanent License Rollback from the main menu.

When you select All or Custom Rollback for NEs whose license has been activated through policy activation, the system displays a message indicating that such NEs only support rolling back to the previous step.

Rollback to a specified resource pool is not supported.

Step2:The remaining steps are the same as those for rolling back a permanent license.

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