Pre-sales Expansion License Application

  • Business rules:

    1. You can apply for temporary licenses for all products sold in the enterprise market.

    2. The policy of whether to allow self-service download of temporary licenses for pre-sales tests is determined by the sales policies of Huawei products. For products that do not allow temporary licenses to be downloaded by themselves, the licenses can be distributed only after being approved by the Huawei project contact person/Huawei channel manager and regional special department director.

    3. The validity period of the application can be 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days, or 180 days on the application page.

    4. If a potential customer cannot be found in the system, select No related customer information.

  • Procedure:

    Step 1: Enter the application information and click Submit. The approval process is displayed. For some products that do not need to be approved, you can directly download the license.


    1. The value in the ESN Application Times column in the NE binding table is related to the approval process. For a product that has an enterprise part template, if the following conditions are met after the template is selected: The incremental value in the enterprise part template is not changed and the number of ESN application times of the added NE is less than the number of approval-free times configured in Enterprise Temporary License Policy, the enterprise temporary license application of the product is not approved. If the requirements are not met, approval is required. For products without configuration templates, all application processes must be approved.

    2. If the ESN does not exist, enter the ESN number in the ESN text box and click Add Device. The system creates a new ESN if the ESN verification rules are met. The ESN already exists in the system. Click Select Manually to search for the required data.

    3. You can also enter the historical process number. The system automatically fills in the historical data on the page.

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