Entitlement Rollback
  • Applicable scenarios: If an error occurs after you merge entitlements to a pool, you can roll back the entitlements that have been merged to the pool and merge or activate them again when the remaining Sparts in the pool are sufficient.

  • Business rules:

    1. A maximum of 200 records can be rolled back.

    2. A maximum of 3000 records can be rolled back by group.

    3. The remaining part quantity of the pool must be greater than or equal to the total number of parts to be returned.

  • Procedure:

    Step 1: Select the pool, and click Entitlement Rollback.

    Method 1: Select the entitlement to be rolled back and click Roll Back.

    Method 2: After grouping, click Rollback.

    Note: If you roll back a group, you can roll back all entitlements in the group. The quantity cannot be changed.

    Step 2: Click OK. If the rollback conditions are met, the rollback is successful.

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