Split Entitlement
  • Applicable scenarios: Adjust the proportion of license resources allocated to multiple devices.

  • Business rules: Only one Entitlement line can be split at a time. Only when the entitlement delivery status is Ready can be split.

  • Procedure:

    Step 1: Search for the entitlement by contract No. or other search criteria, select the entitlement to be split, and click Split Entitlement.

    Step 2: Enter the number of split count and split value, and click Next.


    1. Split value x Split count ≤ Total number;

    2. After splitting, the remaining quantity of at least one part cannot be empty.

    3. To split the entitlement into different capacity configurations or multiple sites, click Add.

    Step 3: Check the entitlement details in the split list and click Split.

    Step 4: Splitting is complete.

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