Separate Parts PoE Management

Group ENT

  • Grouping rules: Same customer, same product, same version, same Entitlement type, same part code, same expiration date, same total quantity, and same number of parts.

  • Procedure:

    Step 1: Click Group.

    Step 2: The grouping result :

Generate PoE

  • Procedure:

    Method 1:Access the entitlement management page and query entitlements. Choose Manage PoE > Generate PoE to generate a PDF certificate.

    Method 2: After grouping, choose Manage PoE > Generate PoE .

    PoE example:

Preview PoE

  • Procedure:

    Method 1: Access the entitlement management page and query entitlements. Choose Manage PoE > Preview PoE .

    Method 2: After grouping, choose Manage PoE > Preview PoE.

Customized PoE

  • Procedure: Step 1:

    Method 1: Access the entitlement management page and query entitlements. Choose Manage PoE > Customized PoE.

    Method 2: After grouping, choose Manage PoE > Customized PoE.

    Step 2: Enter the project name and email address, select Chinese and English, and click Send Email. The PoE will be sent to the recipient's email address.

Email PoE

  • Procedure:

    Step 1: Access the entitlement management page and query entitlements. Choose Manage PoE > Email PoE.

    Step 2: Enter an email address and click OK. The certificate email will be sent to the recipient's email address.

PoE Sending History

  • Procedure:

    Step 1: Click PoE Sending History.

    Step 2: View the generation, preview, and sending history of the PoE.

View Operation History

  • Business rule: You can view the operation history of only one Entitlement.

  • Procedure:

    Step 1: Select the entitlement and choose More > View Operation History.

    Step 2: Displays operation history.

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