License Split

  • Business rules:

    1. Only commercial permanent licenses can be split. The unsplit license is retained on the source NE.

    2. Only single product splitting is supported. The splitting result is irreversible.

    3. The annual fee is split in the same way as that of common NEs. The annual fee time and code are not split. Only common BOM items are split. After the split, the annual fee time on the source NE remains unchanged.

  • Procedure:

    There are two splitting modes: with revocation code and without revocation code. If a revocation code is required, a revocation code must be generated for the license file on the live network in advance. No approval is required. No revocation code is available and needs to be approved. (The following is an example without a revocation code:)

    Step 1: Select the splitting mode, enter the information about the equipment (node) to be split, enter the target equipment (node) to be split, and click Submit.

    Step 2: After the application is submitted, the license files of the split equipment (node) and target equipment (node) are updated. You can click View Equipment (Node) Information to download the new license file.

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