Add Entitlements to Pool
  • Applicable scenarios: After a pool is created, the entitlements that meet the conditions are merged into the pool.

  • Business rules:

    1. The product version policy management allows the product to be pushed to the pool.

    2. The customer name of the entitlement is the same as that of the pool customer.

    3. The delivery status of the Entitlement is Ready and the Entitlement status is Available.

    4. Maximum number of entitlements that can be pushed to a pool (60,000 for selecting an entitlement mode or all entitlement modes)

    5. The expiration time (permanent or fixed-term) of the entitlement is the same as that of the pool.

  • Procedure:

    Step 1: Click or click the number next to the pool.

    Note: The number following the pool indicates the number of entitlements that have not been pushed to the pool for the same customer, product, and version.

    Step 2: Select the entitlement and click Save.

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