
  • Applicable scenarios: Export historical data of devices and NEs from the system to facilitate device (node) management.
Export Application Scenario
Exporting Existing Capacities of Equipment (Node) This parameter can be used for offline activation. The Type (for permanent commercial, fixed-term commercial, and permanent commercial+fixed-term commercial) and Template (for old template and offline activation format template) in the export options determine the type of the template used for offline activation. Select a value based on the site requirements.
Batch Export Existing Volume on Equipment (Node) Compared with Exporting Existing Capacities of Equipment (Node), this function supports the function of uploading search criteria using a template.
Exporting Original Fixed-Term Licenses to Be Rolled Back For license commissioning and maintenance > Commercial License Rollback > Fixed-term License Rollback > Rollback Without Revocation Code
Exporting Info of Equipment(Node) Export basic device (node) information and license information on the live network.
Export (network Element) action record Used for commercial license rollback > permanent license rollback > custom rollback

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