Add Equipment (Node)

  • Applicable scenarios: Maintain basic equipment (node) information for binding with entitlements.

  • Business rule: Different products have different ESN rules. The ESN rules are determined by the product SE during product registration.

  • Procedure:

    a) Single Equipment

    Step 1: Choose Add Equipment (Node) > Single Equipment.

    Step 2: The Equipment (Node) Name, Customer, and Product fields are mandatory. After the basic data is maintained, click Save.

    b) Import XML File

    Step 1: Choose Add Equipment (Node) > Import XML File.

    The XML file format is as follows:

    Step 2: Select a customer and click Import File.

    Step 3: After the file is imported, the task is executed in the background. You can click the task ID to view the task execution status.

    c) Importing Excel File

    Step 1: Choose Add Equipment (Node) > Import Excel File.

    Step 2: Click Download Template.

    Step 3: Maintain the basic data of devices (nodes) in the template.

    Step 4: Select a customer and click Import File. The new NEs are imported to the system, and the existing NEs in the system are updated.

    Import result:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""